Friday, 17 June 2011

Acer unveils Aspire Ethos laptops

This is an interesting removable trackpad/media remote idea that ive not seen before, and finally it seams like laptop specs are meeting a standard i can appreciate regularly. Once again tho a £999 price tag on it but it is also pretty nice looking.

Saturday, 11 June 2011

New LG P330 laptop could have potential

This is a new LG laptop is looking very interesting im about sold spec wise just need to know what price im aiming for and ofc and Engadget review
Apearance: Svelte in black
Processor: Intel 2nd Gen i7
Screen: 13.3 IPS
Graphics: NVIDIA GT 555m
Chassis: magnesium and aluminium

Friday, 10 June 2011

How a Hard Drive works!

Great information if you've ever wondered and interesting how they fit more data on the platters

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Gigabyte laptop with GeForce GT 440 graphics card dock

So this is an interesting laptop featuring a separate dock that connects to the laptop that features a desktop NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 with 1GB VRAM, the specs on it arent that bad ether just a shame its not too much of a looker.

Gigabyte M2432 laptop with GeForce GT 440 graphics card dock hands-on -- Engadget

Friday, 3 June 2011

FaceNiff - Facebook (and other services) Session Hijacker for Android

FaceNiff - Facebook (and other services) Session Hijacker for Android
I just had to post this its a packet sniffer that specifically targets facebook and the like and it really works if you've heard about firesheep then you already know that this is about check the link out if you have an android phone it works great on my HTC Hero CM7

Thursday, 2 June 2011

New Desktop Replacement Laptop Part Two

Sorry its taken longer than i expected to get round to this

So the next laptop to catch my eye did so very soon after the Envy 14 this is because it is the HP Envy 14 Beats Edition it was announced shortly after and looked like it could be the one featuring an i7 processor up to 8GB of RAM the same graphics card from the normal Envy 14 and some of the best looks i think ive ever seen on a laptop it just screams sex every inch of this laptop makes you want to get your hands on it its just down right beautiful.
At this point i was ready to start flashing the cash however one problem, i defiantly didnt have enough, so i was set back but having seen the laptop that i thought would be a future purchase i started showing my friends at college and even asking tutors what they thought of it and the consensus was that it again was beautiful the only problem was the price. One of the tutors that i showed it too told me that dell were reducing prices on their XPS ranges and that i could get a similarly specced machine for £200 less this really messed me up and for weeks i kept going through the dell website and looking for the new offers that they had on each week after about 3 weeks i just sort of gave in and decided i would wait a little longer before even looking at any more laptops as i was only half way there money wise to even getting the laptop to make all my friends jealous with.

So the months past and i kept trying to save  at this point i think i ended up buying a Wii, silly move i know i must have sent £300+ on it and accessories total (including an extra Wii remote including inbuilt motion plus, an extra nunchuck, inductive charging pad, the proper controller which i never used and the composite cable so i could output 480p from it to my 24" tv)  as i decided to get my hands on a Wode jukebox for it to play backups which set me back £80 yes i get silly with my money =/ making big brash purchases because i have enough saved to buy something nice for myself.

Then we come to May just last month and there is talk of Dell releasing a new powerful slim laptop including all the best specs from the XPS line of laptops and i believe the Adamo line aswell providing it with great stylish looks and great sound etc.

This sums it up better than me and comes curtsy of the Engadget review

"For years, Dell's been teasing supermodel-thin laptops, each one flawed out of the gate: too pricey, toounderpowered, and with underwhelming battery life. This time, Dell told us we'd get something different: a laptop without compromise. Recently, Round Rock killed off the Adamo and nixed the XPS 14, and then rumors started to spin -- a spiritual successor would be the slimmest 15.6-inch notebook we'd ever seen, be crafted from "special materials" and yet cost less than $1,000. Dell even stated that it would have an "innovative new form factor" of some sort."

This laptop started getting leaked out intentionality in promo videos and the like to cause some buzz around it, and then it was announced as the Dell XPS 15z now again it ticks the spec box with a choice of i5 or i7 processor the option of 1GB or 2GB NVIDIA GeForce GT 525M Graphics Card with Optimus a nice 15.6 inch display (1920x1080) with great resolution while larger than ive become accustomed too i could easily get along with it and 8GB RAM + many more features great sound ports etc. Now when i first saw it i was in awe but still in two minds about its looks as although im a fan the mac book pro like aesthetic of all of these laptops it would seem like Dell has taken it a bit to far while things that the dell has are better the speaker grills and such, even the port layout is that of the same as a MBP they have even taken the idea of a battery life checker on the side, if you want to see them side by side check out the engadget review linked above. Now it still is a looker but there are things to not like about it the hinge is patterned and i frankly think it looks ugly, this machine is a tricky one to decide upon as the specs are there and i could even get used to the hinge but im at the stage where im thinking just wait abit longer see if anyone else releases something nice i really like what Asus are putting out lately the designs are nice, and im still in the boat of being around half way towards getting any of them on the cost front (thanks to the Wii purchase) so for now im sitting waiting again for one of the big companies to release a laptop that pleases me in every way so lets just hope i don't decide to make another brash purchase any time soon otherwise il never get to a stage where i can buy a great machine

I need to stop eyeing up the Asus EEE  Pad Transformer

Thanks for spending the time to read my ramblings

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Quick Update

Its been a busy weekend and its not stopping yet out at the pub again tonight for a birthday and just out with mates, so i wont have any time for part two till tomorrow however i will get it up i know your all waiting for it :D

i will be covering the HP Envy 14 Beats Edition and the newly released Dell XPS 15Z

Sorry for the wait it should be up tomorrow

Thursday, 26 May 2011

New Desktop Replacement Laptop Part One

So for a while now since the end of last year infact getting a new laptop as i don't use a full desktop (i just don't have room for one and i like laptops). My current laptop is definitely on its way out ove three years old now its a HP Pavilion dv2620ea that while still gets the job done is starting to show its age more and more the main thing that i find is a problem with it (other than its dead battery) is that the graphics only being integrated are fine for day to day things but struggle quite a bit for anything more. So with that i decided that my next laptop would loo for it to;

1. Be good looking, even if it never leaves my bag while im out and about 

2. Have a good dedicated graphics card (integrated aswell if possible to switch off the discrete graphics when it doesn't need the power)

3. Have a great LED screen 1080p would be nice but i could settle for lower

4. Have a screen that is around 14" but less than 17" as i class that as gigantic (the 14.1" screen is one thing that ive always loved about my current laptop i never feel that my laptop is any smaller then friends and having a number pad has always seemed like a waste of space to me)

5. Have minimum an i5 processor but preferably i7

6. Have good enough specs to last me for a long time

Really it all just comes down to it having great longevity due to great performance. As a daily engadget reader the first laptop that caught my eye was the HP Envy 14, this laptop just looks swish its a beauty nothing more need really be said, yes it looks like a Mac Book Pro but so what if people like a design they like it for a reason so why not see if you can improve upon it.

It starts hitting the criteria straight away it looks good, it has ATI Mobility Radeon 5650 graphics with 1GB dedicated memory, a 14.5" High-Definition LED Display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 so could be better, has an Intel Core i5 460M processor but sadly only 4GB of RAM. So its nice but i just don't think that it would last as long as i want it to and still be fast im looking really for it still being mid-range two years or more down the line.

so il leave it there for now comments or suggestions appreciated wether they be on a laptop i would like or simply better writing tips for me.

Come back for Part Two soon